The Night Jeep – a strange tale from the dusty garage! Over Halloween, I took a few weeks off from my normal job to run an annual online Halloween radio stream,… Continue reading “The Night Jeep – a strange tale from the dusty garage!”…
GPS: A horror audio story set in the Western Suburbs of Sydney GPS is an audio story that I started working on back in 2016. The idea for it came while a… Continue reading “GPS: A horror audio story set in the Western Suburbs of Sydney”…
Writing audio story scripts It’s difficult to learn how to write — but also how to write to a particular format. I wrote what… Continue reading “Writing audio story scripts”…
It’s Worth it to Stay Positive: a new audio story It’s Worth it to Stay Positive is my latest audio story, the first in a projected horror series called Out… Continue reading “It’s Worth it to Stay Positive: a new audio story”…
Maelstroms and lighthouses: an early FOTW audio story E. A. Poe and the Krautrock Connection is an audio story I made about six years ago. It was the… Continue reading “Maelstroms and lighthouses: an early FOTW audio story”…
Lemmings: an audio story tribute to Richard Matheson Lemmings is a two page short-story by the late, great Richard Matheson. It was one of the first audio stories… Continue reading “Lemmings: an audio story tribute to Richard Matheson”…
4 word horror stories: are they possible? On a Facebook horror group, someone put forward the challenge to write a horror story in four words. The idea… Continue reading “4 word horror stories: are they possible?”…
Synthwave, Heavy Metal and the horrors of GPS! GPS is an audio project I am working on at the moment, a horror story about three teenage boys who… Continue reading “Synthwave, Heavy Metal and the horrors of GPS!”…